Friday 1 January 2010

11th Dimension

Best Night Of My Life. Official.
So imagine the scene:
My friend and I have just seen Julian Casblancas at the HMV Forum - amazing - and are getting our merchandise on at the t-shirt stand when some guy comes up and hands us these passes. So turns out he was the keyboardist and imagine our excitement when he asked if we wanted to meet Julian! I was sceptical at first what with being a cynical Londoner and envisioned 'Julian' would be found in the back of a blacked out van round the back but we threw caution to the wind and wound up backstage watching rockers like the lead singer of the Cribs milling around and waiting for the J-man himself to arrive. Which he did and ohhh my goodness the rock god is even more immense in person. We out-grinned the cheshire cat on the ride home and have remained smug ever since. Fin.

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