Sunday 3 January 2010

What's he doing in Africa? He'll melt! Oh that's the charm of it? How delightful.

Behold! The Gucci + Unicef Snowman in Africa bag. What the photos may not show is the incredible detailing and the scale of work that has clearly gone into making it. The leaves go all the way under the sides and cover the bottom of the bag - I half expected to find a little rainforest inside but unfortunately no... This bag gets me thinking about all the other children's books + (tasteful) designer collaborations there could be.

I'm thinking:
Curious George and Lanvin - little bananas and cushy black velvet = yes.
Eloise and Chanel - it HAS to happen
Dr Seuss and Marc Jacobs
Madeline and Dior

In fact, there's seems to be a general sense of regression occuring at the moment in fashion: Where The Wild Things Are for Opening Ceremony, Barbie + Christian Louboutin (even that ungodly combo of LV and Spongebob...) Hmm what is this all about?

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